Isavia ANS ehf., Reykjavíkurflugvelli, 102 Reykjavík /
Isavia ANS, Reykjavik Airport, IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland
Sími / Telephone: + 354 424 4000 

AIC B 01/2024
Effective from  29 NOV 2024
Published on 29 NOV 2024

Sjúkrakassar í litlum flugvélum í einkaflugi
First-aid kits in non-commercial operation on non-complex aircraft

Content Responsibility: Icelandic Transport Authority

1 Recommendation

First-aid kits in non-commercial operation on non-complex aircraft (below 5,700 kg MTOW or certified for a maximum passenger seating configuration of less than nineteen) in Iceland should be equipped with appropriate and sufficient medications and instrumentation.
The kits should at least be equipped in accordance with the information below.
However, these kits should be amended by the operator according to the characteristics of the operation (scope of operation, flight duration, number of passengers, etc.).
The first-aid kits should be prepared by pharmacy.
An aircraft mechanic shall confirm that the content of first-aid kits is acceptable at regular intervals.

1.1 Content:

  1. Wound Bandages
    (assorted sizes, including a triangular bandage),
  2. burns dressings (large and small),
  3. wound dressings (large and small),
  4. adhesive dressings (assorted sizes),
  5. antiseptic wound cleaner,
  6. safety scissors,
  7. disposable gloves.
  8. disposable resuscitation aid, and
  9. surgical Mask.

1.2 Reference Regulation

(EU) 965/2012 AMC1.NCO.IDE.A.145 



AIC hereby cancelled:  
B 001/2016
NOTAM incorporated in this AIC: